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(Beta Game- Expect bugs)

Explore the woods in search of your friends and car. Once you find them, get to your car and get out. You are not alone...


This is a really simple game that takes place in a wood out in the the middle of nowhere (obviously, it's a horror game).

Your name is Steven Overhand and you came to these woods with three friends. Each of these are still in the woods with you however you need to find them before 'it' does.

Once you find your friends, you'll need to find your car. However there is a slight complication (once again, it is a horror game so these things are bound to happen).

Although your car has been 'modified', you still need to get out of the woods.

Find a way out and escape to win the game.


The minimum amount of time it will take you to complete is 5 minutes. That's a fact. The maximum... that depends on how well you can play. You have a torch so you can see (another stereotypical item for any horror game), but it will run out after 5 minutes (300 seconds) and you'll need to replace the batteries. In the map however, there are only 7 batteries. You start with three and are given one at the beginning of the game so that's 10 batteries in total. 10 batteries X 5 minutes = 50 minutes. If you're willing to play this long you will be plunged into darkness and killed... if you collect all of the batteries that is. You could die within 20...

So that's a quick overview of the game. It's fun, I hope it's scary and I hope you enjoy it.

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